Monday, October 19, 2009

Thankful 10/19

I've been so down in the dumps lately with Zac being gone... I didn't think I would be this bummed out, but I am ;(. It's been hard to find things to be grateful for when you are sad, but today I thought of something I am grateful for... babysitters!

I had to work from home this morning and it was going to be a pretty long stint, so I asked a girl in our ward to babysit for us. She is truly amazing. She always has a smile on her face, she seems to really care about my kids, she always has something to bring to share with the kids and she actually interacts and plays with them. I am really happy we have found such a great sitter in her. She seems to enjoy babysitting too. I got to work for a couple hours and then because I'm not feeling so hot right now (I'm a little sick) I took a little snooze while we was here. So today, I am totally thankful for Heather and her babysitting abilites. It helped me a ton and I feel much better now. =)

1 comment:

Raadgep Fam said...

Yea for finding a sitter that fits your needs. Its very important that you did find one!